When New Year's Day arrives, sooner or later someone will ask, "What goals have you set for the new year$%: Have you made any resolutions$%:" I used to cringe when I would hear that. I was sure whatever resolutions I set were destined to not be met. I reached a point that I refused to share my resolutions or dreams. I was afraid of failure, of being judged for not doing what I said I would. There were many years of resolving to lose weight, to exercise, to finish school, to write a book or two, and then another New Year's Day rolled around to remind me that I had failed to meet the goals I had set the year before.

As I've gotten older, I see things differently. Goals are the way we plan out our own lives. Without them, we are nothing more than a piece of paper in the wind, being pushed and blown about at life's whims, or the whims of people who are happy to plan our lives for us if we don't.

The truth is our lives are made up of the choices we have made. We are not victims. Wherever we are, we have brought ourselves here. It's up to us to change direction, if that's what's called for. It's up to us to choose our path.


Here are eight tips for setting goals.

1) Brainstorm. Spend some time thinking about what is really important to you and what goals you want to set. What do you want to choose to do with your life in the coming year$%: Be specific.

2) Write it down. If you are serious about attaining a certain goal, such as being able to work from home, the first thing you need to do is write it down. Think about what steps you will need to take to get from here to where you want to be. In other words, make a plan.

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3) Set a deadline. Saying "I want to start a home business someday" is a lot different than saying "I want to start a home business that will enable me to quit my job in six months." Set a realistic time frame and strive to meet it.

4) Share your dreams with someone. Having someone in your life that will ask you how far you have come will help motivate you to press on when you may feel like giving up. Make sure the person you choose is the cheerleader type, full of encouragement. You need the type of person who reminds you of the one thing you did right today, not the ten things you did wrong.

5) Reward yourself for each small accomplishment. Each of us has our own list of things that give us comfort or cheer us up. It could be a bubble bath, a night on the town or a bouquet of flowers. Whatever it is, get in the habit of rewarding yourself for baby steps. The small steps add up to miles.

6) Align yourself with positive people. Although you can't control what others may say, you can choose friends that offer you encouragement, not discouragement. The ones that say "You can do it," when you're about to give up belong in your corner. Stay away from people who tell you to play it safe or that what you're trying to do can't be done. It can be done, because you are choosing to do it. You are choosing the direction of your own life. That's not only your right, but your responsibility.

7) Learn from your mistakes. Not doing something right the first time doesn't mean you can't do it. It means only that you didn't do it right yet.

8) Don't give up. Too many people set aside their goals and dreams when they were inches from succeeding. Those who succeed are not necessarily the ones with the most talent or the most luck: chances are they were simply the ones who persisted the longest.

Remember that without goals, you don't get anywhere. The first step to attaining a goal is knowing what you want from your life. From there, you have to decide that you're not going to quit until you get it.

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